We took the kids on a hike! I know...something not cancer related. Big moment over here. Our lives seem so overloaded with cancer and Presley's care. We packed them up and of course they were thrilled because we finally pulled out the kids Camelbaks. Tonight felt good. Crew needs to get out and feel the dirt and run wild! He's a great little hiker! He's two and has missed so many experiences lately. I often think about what I'm always telling the kid, Don't touch that, stop doing that etc. No we can't go to the park. Clean your hands. Get in the car we can't be here, don't get your tubies wet, here open your hands for some Av-Guard (hand sanitizer). Presley was a trooper but was worn out pretty quick. Her red blood cells are low, along with the rest of the components that make up blood. When we got to the top of Ensign Peak, just in time to look out. I looked at her shivering. No one else was cold but her blood levels were low. So again...QUICK! lets get down off this hill. Its been hard to relax and enjoy life. Always worried and paranoid. Thanks Cancer. Tonight I could feel fall in the air. I usually love this time of year but lately I have been really depressed about fall coming. I want summer to be what it was last year. Swimming and no cares in the world. Just two cute babies and no worries weighting me down. I usually don't even know what day or month I'm in. I feel stuck in March. The world really feels as though it is moving on without me. But for this season I must embrace that. Everyone is moving forward including the days and months. I feel like I haven't moved a day. Tonight felt good. No one stopped us to ask our story (I really do love sharing the story but its exhausting at times). It would been a perfect night if Presley could have had the energy to climb that hill like brother and not having a needle stuck in her chest. She has had that darn needle in for almost a month :(
Fresh fall air, kids getting out, not at a cancer event, we need more of this!
It has been awhile
7 years ago
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